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Bracelets: The only time you can tie yarn in knots and still make something pretty.

Writer: Marie Marie

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

The story of how I got into making bracelets šŸ˜

The first time I ever saw an article about making bracelets, I shrugged my shoulders and turned away with indifference. From what I had seen and heard, I figured it was a craft for those who wanted to be beachy and hip, not for a simple, old-fashioned crafter like myself. It was a total accident that lead me down the path of knotting. I was looking at someone's profile on another crafting site I am a member of, and they had a random link in their bio. Although I don't usually click on links, it is a very safe site and if it had've been bad I was sure it would've been removed by then. The link took me to the individuals profile on a site called Bracelet Book. The first thing I saw on the site was a page full of patterns and such that looked like a foreign language, and that is coming from someone who can read crochet patterns! I was baffled, but my interest was sparked and I kept scrolling and looking at these strange patterns and wondering, what was the key to understanding these crazy things?

"Normal" pattern

So, with the wheels in my brain turning with curiosity, I began doing my research about the strange art of trying thread in knots to make a lovely piece of jewelry. The very first bracelet I ever made was a.. Well I don't know WHAT it was. When I posted a picture of it on Bracelet Book, I put it under #16522

(a pattern number on BB), because that is what it most looked like. I didn't have any embroidery floss so I improvised and used cotton yarn. Oh I can just hear all the professional knotters groan. šŸ˜‚ This is what is called a "Normal" pattern.

I was disappointed. That didn't look like all those bracelets I had seen pictures of on the internet. Maybe I just wasn't good at Normals?

After that, I watched a few more videos, looked at a few simple Alpha patterns, and the next time I went to Walmart, I purchased a large pack of embroidery floss. This was my very first "Alpha", which I will go into more detail on a little later. Anyway, how does it look?

Pretttyyy shabby, huh? Well, I had to begin somewhere. Unfortunately I didn't do enough research, and I cut all of the strings way too short. I was finished almost before I began. I was disappointed, but not deterred. Surprisingly, I was actually really liking this! So I looked for another pattern, found one I liked, and tried again, with longer strings this time. Again, somehow, I managed to cut them too short, and the bracelet was hardly long enough to wrap around my wrist, but I was proud. I mean, how cool was that, I just tied a few knots and now I had a bracelet (...sort of)?!

So, to make a long story as short as I can, after a few more bracelets, I am a little wiser. I am by no means an expert (YET) but I think this is a great hobby and I am definitely going to keep at it.

These are two of my more recent bracelets. The sheep one (above) was my first Alpha that actually functioned as a bracelet, and the white and blue one with the Hebrew writing (it says "joy") is the most recent one I have made.

So, that is what I have been doing lately. I have a few Alphas and a few Normals going on right now. I'll make another post in the next few days on how to get started making bracelets of your own!

Until then! šŸ¤—


3 comentarios

24 oct 2020

Love it! Keep up the good work Marie!šŸ˜

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Mrs. Crocombe
Mrs. Crocombe
15 oct 2020

I saw Mary Ann, my kitchen maid, making these the other day... and the soup scalded while she was busy tying knots, ahem. >:( I do say though, you seem to be quite the expert with YOUR bracelet-making! Perhaps Mary Ann should take heed to your advice... Then she wouldn't have to eat scalded soup. >:) Lovely post, as always!

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Seth Walker
Seth Walker
15 oct 2020

These are cool! Very intricate! You are doing a great job with your hobbies!

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