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What to do when it seems like there is nothing to do

The name says it all so I won't waste too much time on the intro.

Here are some things you might like to try:

Learn to bake!

If you already bake or cook, then try a new and exiting recipe! Here are some ideas:

Japanese Cotton Sponge Cake

Japanese Souffle Pancake

Canadian Timbits (yummy little donut holes)

Self serving of homemade Ice Cream

Eton Mess (soooo goood!!!)

Cookie Dough Ice Cream Bars

( I have made most of these and proved them yummy, and the ones I have not tried are definitely on my list to make!!!)

Learn to play an instrument!

If you don't have the funds or the space to get something like a piano (keyboard) , or even a guitar, here are some space friendly and fun music makers you might like:


Ukuleles are basically mini guitars. All but the baritone ukulele (the largest size available) are tuned G C E A (strings), which gives them the happy, islandy sound. The baritone, however, is tuned to the last four strings of a guitar, D G B E. If you have larger hands, want a guitar but it's too big for your space or wallet, or you just don't like the high pitched twangy sound of the smaller ukes, I would definatly suggest the baritone. Otherwise, the soprano, concert, or tenor ukuleles are all great choices!


The Kalimba is a small round or square box with flat metal keys that are quickly plucked with your fingers to give of a light, almost musicbox-y sound. They fit on any shelf and are supposedly easy to learn. A little pricey but I think it's worth it in the long run.

Melody/Lap Harp

Lap Harps, or Melody Harps, are compact lap held harps that create a light, medieval sound when strummed or plucked. I have always been fascinated with them. I think they are perfect for someone who wants to try a unique instrument.


Mmmmmm! I love the windy, whimsical sound of Ocarinas. They kinda remind me of a small, oddly shaped flute. Supposedly easy to learn, and fun to listen to, it's definitely something to look into.

(disclaimer: The origin of the Ocarina is NOT from the legend of zelda, they are originally from 19th century Italy.)


Now here is a funny instrument! It works kinda like a harmonica, you blow in and press down a key to get a sound. It's basically like a travel size, air powered piano. If your mom gets annoyed by sounds easily, I wouldn't recommend this for you, unless you buy a pack of ear plugs along with it. Still, it is a fun and cool instrument if you want to play the piano but don't have enough room.

Learn a craft!

If you don't already know how, learn to knit, crochet, embroider or cross-stitch. It's fun and satisfying, especially when you finish something.


Crochet is a great way to make things and take up your time. All you need is a crochet hook and the appropriate yarn, and you can learn lickety split. It's really easy, and so fun!

Here is a link to the history of crochet

And here are some links an absolute beginners tutorial of how to crochet!


Knitting is a great skill to have, and as easy to learn as crochet. There is a bit of a controversy because people can't decide, "which is better, knit or crochet?" but I think there doesn't need to be a "better". They are both unique and fun! I guess it depends on you and your preferences.

With knitting you use two pencil like needles, and again, the matching yarn.

Here is the history of knitting:

And here are some beginner tutorials:

That is all for today's post, so have a great day and I'll see you next time!

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