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You use THAT for a stitch marker ?

You know the saying "desperate times call for desperate measures"? Well, that is how my version of the stitch marker was born. I was starting my very first amigurumi project; I knew pretty much NOTHING about crocheting in the round, or amigurumi, so when the pattern (which I didn't read fully before starting haha...) said "place stitch marker in such and such place" I froze. What is a stitch marker...? Well, as the name might suggest, it marks the stitch where you begin and end when you are working on a project. It is usually used when working in the round, but can be used on flat projects as well. I have searched and searched to try and find where stitch markers originated, but no one seems to know. I suppose they have existed as long as needlework has. Back then they might've used bone, a small strand of yarn, or even a piece of straw! People are very resourceful when they have to be, and since they didn't have plastic hundreds of years ago, I'd say they had to be. As a beginner knitter or crocheter, you might have to be resourceful as well. You might not have the funds or the know-how to buy commercial stitch markers. Should I buy large or small? Should I buy plastic or metal, round or clippy? It isn't that confusing, but for someone who has literally just begun their crafting journey, it can seem like Chinese. If you want to go with store bought stitch markers, I say go with the regular, multi-colored, plastic, locking clips. But if you are in a pinch and you can't get your eager hands on some "real" markers, then here are some substitutes you ought to have lying around the house!

What I use: Safety pins.

Safety pins work wonderfully, as long as you are careful not to stick yourself. :P They clip and un-clip quickly and easily, and I actually like them better than traditional stitch markers because they are so thin. For smaller projects, just use a smaller pin!

Another option is hoop earrings. Sterilized (with alcohol) , or preferably never used, they work just fine at keeping your stitch marked and if you get/have the cute ones it adds a little style to your patterns while you work! ;)

I've heard about using bobby pins, paper clips, or even pieces of wire twisted around the stitch, but in the end it is up to you.

Here are a few places with ideas and DIY's so you can get or make your own special stitch markers!

Alrighty, see ya next post!

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